Ctypes API generation

One of the parts of the Wrappyr project is the Ctypes API builder. It loads a description of a Ctypes based API (typically from XML) and generates Python code from that. The code that does this lives in wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder. Before Wrappyr generates the Python code, it gives you the chance to manipulate the API by calling the the process_ctypes_structure of your Package class. Here you can do things like:

  • Grouping C functions into classes
  • Renaming classes, methods, parameter names to match PEP8 naming conventions
  • Organizing the API into packages
  • And more...

This document describes all classes used to represent a Python API that you can manipulate and examples on how to use this API.


class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Node

The base class for all classes used to represent the API.


The name of this node, which will be used to look up Nodes by path.


The parent node of this node. It will be set automatically if you you make this node a child of another node, like when you add a Method to a Class


Get the dotted path from top to this node. If top is not given, the path from the furthest ancestor is returned.

>>> struct = CTypesStructure()
>>> Box2D = Package("Box2D")
>>> dyn = Package("dynamics")
>>> Box2D.add_package(dyn)
>>> dyn.get_path()
>>> struct.add_package(Box2D)
>>> dyn.get_path()
>>> dyn.get_path(Box2D)

Get the closest ancestor of type

>>> p = Package("package")
>>> m = Module("module")
>>> c = Class("class")
>>> p.add_module(m)
>>> m.add_class(c)
>>> m == c.get_closest_parent_of_type(Module)
>>> p == c.get_closest_parent_of_type(Package)

Shorthand for get_closest_parent_of_type(Module)


Returns the depth of this node calculated from parent or None if parent is not an ancestor of this node.

>>> p = Package("package")
>>> m = Module("module")
>>> c = Class("class")
>>> p.add_module(m)
>>> m.add_class(c)
>>> c.get_distance_to_parent(m)
>>> c.get_distance_to_parent(p)

Returns the first ancestor that this node shares with other

>>> dynamics = Package("dynamics")
>>> b2Body = Class("b2Body")
>>> joints = Package("joints")
>>> b2WeldJoint = Class("b2WeldJoint")
>>> dynamics.add_class(b2Body)
>>> dynamics.add_package(joints)
>>> joints.add_class(b2WeldJoint)
>>> dynamics == b2WeldJoint.find_lowest_common_parent(b2Body)

Returns a generator that iterates over all ancestors starting with the closest one.

>>> dynamics = Package("dynamics")
>>> joints = Package("joints")
>>> b2WeldJoint = Class("b2WeldJoint")
>>> dynamics.add_package(joints)
>>> joints.add_class(b2WeldJoint)
>>> tuple(b2WeldJoint.parents()) == (joints, dynamics)
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Module(Node)

Class used to represent a Python module. A module can contain:

You can create a Module from XML by using the <module> tag:

<module name="test">

Find Library with specified name in this Module or one of it’s parents. If name is not given, it will search for a library specified as default.


Add Library instance library to this module and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Library instance library from this module and set its parent to None.


Returns all Library instances that this module contains.


Add Class instance class to this module and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Class instance class from this module and set its parent to None.


Returns all Class instances that this module contains.


Add Function instance function to this module and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Function instance function from this module and set its parent to None.


Returns all Function instances that this module contains.


Add PointerType instance pointer to this module and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).

Since a PointerType does not need to be a child of a Node to be used, this is probably only useful for loading from XML.


Remove PointerType instance pointer from this module and set its parent to None.


Returns all PointerType instances that this module contains.

exception LibraryNotFound(Exception)

Exception thrown by Module.find_library() when it cannot find the requested Library.

class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Package(Module)

Class used to represent a Python package. In addition to everything a Module can contain, a package can contain:

You can create a Package from XML by using the <package> tag:

<package name="test">

Add Package instance package to this package and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Package instance package from this package and set its parent to None.


Returns all Package instances that this package contains.


Add Module instance module to this package and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Module instance module from this package and set its parent to None.


Returns all Module instances that this package contains.

class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Library(Node)

Class used to represent a C library. A library will be available for the Node it’s placed in (either a Package or a Module) and all of its descendents.

You can create a Library from XML by using the <library> tag:

<package name="test">
    <library name="libA" path="libA.so" default="true" />
    <library name="libB" path="libB.so" />

    <function name="func_a">
        <call symbol="funcA">
            Since libA is the default for this Package,
            the symbol funcA will be retrieved from libA.so
    <function name="func_b">
        <call symbol="funcB" library="libB">
            We've explicitly chosen libB, so the symbol funcB
            will be retrieved from libB.so
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Class(Node)

Class used to represent a Python class.


Add Method instance method to this class and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Method instance method from this class and set its parent to None.


Returns all Method instances that this class contains.


Add Member instance member to this class and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).


Remove Member instance member from this class and set its parent to None.


Returns all Member instances that this class contains.


Add PointerType instance pointer to this class and set its parent to this node. This does not remove it from its current parent, so you must remove it from its parent first (if it has one of course).

Since a PointerType does not need to be a child of a Node to be used, this is probably only useful for loading from XML.


Remove PointerType instance pointer from this class and set its parent to None.


Returns all PointerType instances that this class contains.

class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Function(Node)

Class used to represent a Python function.

You can create a Function from XML by using the <function> tag:

<function name="func_a">
    <call symbol="funcA">
        <!-- A function makes calls to C functions. -->
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Method(Function)

Class used to represent a method of a Python class.

You can create a Method from XML by using the <method> tag:

<class name="Test">
    <method name="spam">
        <!-- Python likes spam and eggs, C like foo and bar ;) -->
        <call symbol="foo" />
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Member(Node)

Class used to represent a member Python of a class.

You can create a Member from XML by using the <member> tag and specify its getter and setter using the <getter> and <setter> tags respectively:

<class name="Vector">
    <member name="x">
            <call symbol="Vector_GetX">
                <returns type="ctypes.c_float" />
            <call symbol="Vector_SetX">
                <argument type="ctypes.c_float" />
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Call(Node)

Class used to represent a call to a C function.

You can create a Call from XML by using the <call> tag:

<function name="take_over_the_world">
    Obviously much more effecient in C, altough things
    will probably crash before anything useful happens.
    <call symbol="conquerWorld">
        <argument name="timeout" type="ctypes.c_uint" />
        <returns type="ctypes.c_bool">
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.Argument(Node)

Class used to represent an argument to a C function.

You can create an Argument instance from XML by using the <argument> tag:

<module name="module">
    <class name="Class" />

    <function name="func">
        <call symbol="func">
            <!-- You can reference existing classes by using full dotted paths -->
            <argument name="a" type="module.Class" />

            <!-- You can also use ctypes.* types -->
            <argument name="b" type="ctypes.c_int" />

Boolean value indicating whether passing an object as this argument to a call will steal the ownership over the object. Defaults to False. See Memory management for more information.


Boolean value indicating whether passing an object as this argument to a call will invalidate the object. Defaults to False. See Memory management for more information.

class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.ReturnValue(Node)

Class used to represent the return value of a C function.

You can create a ReturnValue instance from XML by using the <returns> tag:

<function name="func">
    <call symbol="func">
        <returns type="ctypes.c_float" />

Boolean value indicating whether we have ownership over objects returned by this call. See Memory management for more information.

class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.CTypesStructure(Node)

The root of the structure that describes the Python API. This will contain the root Package s and Module s of the Python API.

This class is represented by the XML tag <ctypes>. Since this is the root of the structure, this must also be the root node of the XML document:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package name="MyPackage">

Return the Node found under the dotted path path:

>>> structure = CTypesStructure()
>>> mod = Module("mod")
>>> cls = Class("Class")
>>> structure.add_module(module)
>>> mod.add_class(cls)
>>> cls == structure.get_by_path("mod.Class")
class wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure.CTypesStructureVisitor

A convenience class that takes a CTypesStructure and calls visit_<class name> on itself for every node it finds. So as an example, it will call visit_Method(method) for every method it finds.


class ClassPrinter(CTypesStructureVisitor):
    def visit_Class(cls):
        print "Found class: " + cls.name

Will start at node and call the corresponding visit_* method for node and all of its descendents.


The recommended way to use this API is to process a CTypesStructure from within a wrappyr.Package. See Creating Package classes for an introduction on Packages. This section gives a few exmples of how you might preprocess a Python API.

Reorganize an API that doesn’t use namespaces into packages:

import wrappyr
from wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure import Package

class Box2DPackage(wrappyr.Package):
        'b2Vec2': 'Box2D.common',
        'b2Vec3': 'Box2D.common',
        'b2Shape': 'Box2D.collision',
        'b2PolygonShape': 'Box2D.collision',
        'b2World': 'Box2D.dynamics',
        'b2Body': 'Box2D.dynamics',
        'b2Joint': 'Box2D.dynamic.joints',
        'b2WeldJoint': 'Box2D.dynamic.joints',

    def process_ctypes_structure(structure):
        # Get all unique package paths
        package_paths = set(self.CLASS_TO_PACKAGE.values())
        # Sort by depth in tree
        package_paths = sorted(packages, lambda name: name.count("."))

        # Dictionary to hold all packages to be looked up by path
        packages = {}
        for path in package_paths:
            last_dot = path.rfind(".")

            # The name of the package is the part after the last dot
            name = path[last_dot + 1 :]
            package = Package(name)
            packages[path] = package

            # Add the package to its parent in the tree.
            # We assume that the Box2D package already exists.
            parent_path = path[: last_dot]
            parent = structure.get_by_path(parent_path)

        # Now we remove classes from their current parent and
        # add them to their new package.
        for class_name, package_path in self.CLASS_TO_PACKAGE.items():
            cls = structure.get_by_path("Box2D." + class_name)

Convert camelCase method names into lowercase_with_underscores:

import re
import wrappyr
from wrappyr.ctypes_api_builder.structure import CTypesStructureVisitor

class CamelCaseTerminator(CTypesStructureVisitor):
    def __init__(self):
        self.to_rename = []

    def visit_Method(self, method):

    def terminate(self):
        regex = re.compile(r'([a-z])([A-Z])')
        to_underscore = lambda match: "%s_%s" % (match.group(1), match.group(2).lower())
        for method in self.to_rename:
            parent = method.parent
            method.name = regex.sub(to_underscore, method.name)

class MyPackage(wrappyr.Package):
    def process_ctypes_structure(structure):
        terminator = CamelCaseTerminator()